Waiting for new update really good game the animations are amazing and Ako is super cute i just wish there was more female characters that we could have relationship with or more mini games and clothes to buy for Ako. Overall great Eroge i hope it gets updated soon : >
Uemura's older sister is objectively the most evil and vile person in the game. the MC owns a gun (or at least, used to... Ako probably confiscated it.) secret "bad" ending? Uemura would hate MC, MC would go to jail and lose Ako, but to some extent theres that feeling of trying to make the world a better place, even if youre throwing everything away in the process. i just don't want to see the shopkeeper (who is in the same dilemma we are in, defective) forced to sell her body and soul; to her sister who no longer feels emotions and to a world that would abuse her.
I accidentally deleted the game but I want to start over. The last update was in June. Will it get a big update soon? I want to download it again accordingly
He's still actively developing it, but there's been little word on when the next update'll be. Wouldn't be surprised if it was soon though, there was a teaser for a paizuri scene with Ako that released just four hours ago on Discord.
Como entendí, en la versión actual, la vodka no tiene otro uso que beberla directamente del refrigerador en la cocina de la casa. En cuanto a la personalidad de Ako, solo puedes cambiar su forma de interactuar contigo, por ejemplo, si la tratas mal (prohibiéndole hacer algo, reprimiendo estrictamente sus intentos de ayudarte, etc.), ella será menos comunicativa y en los diálogos se mostrará triste e indiferente. Tal vez no haya entendido bien tu pregunta, ya que no soy hablante nativo, pero espero haber podido ayudarte de alguna manera.
the vodka dont have any use for this update, to change ako personality u need to restart the game, since it depends on how u treat her during the gameplay
Has more to do with the dystopian setting than anything I suppose, it's hard not to feel on-edge and/or depressed in a world of willingly drug-induced psychopaths. Makes it all the more impressive that the MC is able to keep himself somewhere close to sane, at least with Ako's help.
Use an ampoule of Estadiol on Ako for several days and refuse her requests to have sex, if everything is done correctly - after several nights of harassment she will rape you at night, and the next morning she will ask for forgiveness in which you should choose the option to punish her.
For game support or any kind of suggestion/questions join the official discord server.
the DEV isnt really active on itch or F95, so ask in the official discord server support channel where u can communicate with the DEV daily (most of the time).
The development is slow because the DEV works alone so please be patient
I'd far rather have slow high quality work than rushed development or burnout on dodonga's end. Guess being a longtime fan of Berserk helped in that regard. I know they're not likely to read this, but if they do, take your time, as much as you need. The story and sheer insane quality of the animations you've made thus far are worth it.
I don't know what's wrong but i saved my progress until the virgin part but when i load it back, my progress become killerfood + thigh what's going on?
The game was playing for 130 days, the game stops and Android system keeps flashing, the total score of this gameplay is 10 points, I give 9 points, and Android a lot of problems
Один раз наткнулся на схожий софт-лок в предыдущей версии (который сейчас уже наверное исправили, но всё же), купив стимулятор в магазине роботов ещё до того, как меня о нём по сюжету должны были уведомить в телеграфном сообщении.
Решил проблему так: я поочерёдно откатывался на старые сохранения, созданные мной до того, как должна была показаться роковая подсказка "Спроси Ако" и делал что от меня просили, а после проматывал дней 5. Если ничего не происходило- откатывался на ещё более позднее сохранение и повторял процедуру. Таким образом, я понял в чем заключалась проблема и прошёл дальше.
Так же советую не обижать андройда и по возможности заниматься всеми открывающимися активностями, тогда проблем с прохождением не возникнет.
Can I suggest something? Maybe try to make an sfw version? I would absolutely play this with just the headpats and hugs and stuff. And it might help the game reach a wider audience, who knows.
I fucking love this game brother!!! I hope you're doing well and get along with this game and make allot of money!! I hope to all a vyou the best!!! And ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥😘😘😘🙈🙈🤣🤣🤣
Thank you to the author for such a game, I have never played such games and I found it fascinating, I would like to ask if there will be a continuation and when it will be, and where you can watch the progress of updates of this wonderful game!
I've played this game for awhile. I'm not sure if I'll be able to revisit this site due circumstances but this game is really impressive so I wanted to comment on it before my hiatus.
This game is good and stands out due to it's setting and story. The world is grim, but dispite that there is a hope, at least for us, maybe. The creator did post that the community has come together to save one girl who was presented as filler, so she to can be saved one day, so thank you creator Dodonga for the choices.
The game is a bit iffy or bugged on Android. For me it simply crashes, not to bad, just treat it as if your refreshing or reloading a page. PC seems flawless, no problems on my part.
I really like this game. I have played repeatedly, mostly due to thinking I could save that sweet girl. Currently, at the least, that is not possible but she may get the chance someday based on the post. I will love the opportunity to be able to help her, she's worth it.
So I want to say Dodonga, thank you for this game and for considering our feelings about saving that poor girl. Thanks for your work and I hope you will complete this game to perfection. It clearly has a lot of work put into it.
Please have a wonderful holiday(s) and end of the year. Take care of yourself to please, talented creators are hard to find.
The day counter in the game does not affect anything and is created solely for the player. The completion of the main, and in fact the only, storyline with your maid is achieved by sequentially triggering 33 events (not counting the convenience store, where the events progress parallel to the main story and are not connected to it). Once all the events are completed, hovering over the "?" sign in the top-left corner of the screen will display the hint "End of current version." This also applies to the convenience store, so if you hit a dead end and nothing happens, and there’s no notification, I would recommend checking if there are any unfinished activities, such as something you haven’t bought, something you haven’t read, and so on.
← Return to game
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Waiting for new update really good game the animations are amazing and Ako is super cute i just wish there was more female characters that we could have relationship with or more mini games and clothes to buy for Ako. Overall great Eroge i hope it gets updated soon : >
One of the most charmining H-Games I have played so far and easly the most erotic and cute animations.
The Vibes remind me on Teaching Feelings❤
Uemura's older sister is objectively the most evil and vile person in the game. the MC owns a gun (or at least, used to... Ako probably confiscated it.) secret "bad" ending? Uemura would hate MC, MC would go to jail and lose Ako, but to some extent theres that feeling of trying to make the world a better place, even if youre throwing everything away in the process. i just don't want to see the shopkeeper (who is in the same dilemma we are in, defective) forced to sell her body and soul; to her sister who no longer feels emotions and to a world that would abuse her.
I accidentally deleted the game but I want to start over. The last update was in June. Will it get a big update soon? I want to download it again accordingly
He's still actively developing it, but there's been little word on when the next update'll be. Wouldn't be surprised if it was soon though, there was a teaser for a paizuri scene with Ako that released just four hours ago on Discord.
so i assume by like the end of jan
also wheres the disc link
literally on the support area of the page
I correctly understood that the quest to make Aku happy you just need to play and wait for the plot?
yeah keep head pat and caress and keep going with the days and u r good
Alguien que me ayude con algo y es que para que sirve el vodka que nos da el Dr.Hal y como cambiar la personalidad de Ako
Como entendí, en la versión actual, la vodka no tiene otro uso que beberla directamente del refrigerador en la cocina de la casa. En cuanto a la personalidad de Ako, solo puedes cambiar su forma de interactuar contigo, por ejemplo, si la tratas mal (prohibiéndole hacer algo, reprimiendo estrictamente sus intentos de ayudarte, etc.), ella será menos comunicativa y en los diálogos se mostrará triste e indiferente. Tal vez no haya entendido bien tu pregunta, ya que no soy hablante nativo, pero espero haber podido ayudarte de alguna manera.
Me podrías explicar como son todas las personalidades y como actúa en cada una
the vodka dont have any use for this update, to change ako personality u need to restart the game, since it depends on how u treat her during the gameplay
Algún día añadirán más idiomas ¿?
small update
not sure if its the release date or how many days until release but here u go he been repeating f i v e for the past 2 days idk
Btw where can I get a link for his Discord?
its literally on the page
Ah, im stupid, thanks
And nothing happened.
The atmosphere and music of the game are very tense. Did you do it on purpose? It's like a psychological game.
Has more to do with the dystopian setting than anything I suppose, it's hard not to feel on-edge and/or depressed in a world of willingly drug-induced psychopaths. Makes it all the more impressive that the MC is able to keep himself somewhere close to sane, at least with Ako's help.
How can i get this scene?
Use an ampoule of Estadiol on Ako for several days and refuse her requests to have sex, if everything is done correctly - after several nights of harassment she will rape you at night, and the next morning she will ask for forgiveness in which you should choose the option to punish her.
How do you get the Kama sutra? It's greyed out for me for some reason.
Love this game, can't wait for the next update
For game support or any kind of suggestion/questions join the official discord server.
I'd far rather have slow high quality work than rushed development or burnout on dodonga's end. Guess being a longtime fan of Berserk helped in that regard. I know they're not likely to read this, but if they do, take your time, as much as you need. The story and sheer insane quality of the animations you've made thus far are worth it.
dont worry as his mod and his personal ass masseur ill tell him this personally
dodonga answer:
jk apart the update will be release in the next few weeks (not confirmed), but it will came soon.
how to get all the H-scenes ? im missing 6 (from the list)
depends on which one u miss, join the discord server and ask in support
what do i do after i drain the depression meter to 0?
I don't know what's wrong but i saved my progress until the virgin part but when i load it back, my progress become killerfood + thigh what's going on?
Im waiting for the update, i hope it come soon.
Anyone knows his new discord? I noticed he deleted his account (I think) need to talk to him about some of my commissions from him.
dont know what u mean with commission but here u go: https://discord.gg/z3wnG3HY9Z
the link its literally on the page tho
When is the next update coming out? I need to know more about Yui, I'd really like to see her go to the main character's house.
the update will release probably soon since 6 months alrpassed (the update is every ~6 month)
and bout yui patreon post
when is the next update?
Author just disappeared(
author seems to be busy, hes alive, just changed the discord server's rules due to an incident, most likely taking a break for the holidays
I see, thank you for the information.
The game was playing for 130 days, the game stops and Android system keeps flashing, the total score of this gameplay is 10 points, I give 9 points, and Android a lot of problems
never crashed on me, seems like a problem on your phone's hardware
Why does the game stop responding after i try to load my file? Its not got to do with my phone version, does it?
Tremendo juego, ojala salga en español 🗿🗿🗿
lo mismo :v
79 days(((
Он говорит, спроси Ако, нужно ли ей что-нибудь, но она ничего не говорит. Что мне делать?
Один раз наткнулся на схожий софт-лок в предыдущей версии (который сейчас уже наверное исправили, но всё же), купив стимулятор в магазине роботов ещё до того, как меня о нём по сюжету должны были уведомить в телеграфном сообщении.
Решил проблему так: я поочерёдно откатывался на старые сохранения, созданные мной до того, как должна была показаться роковая подсказка "Спроси Ако" и делал что от меня просили, а после проматывал дней 5. Если ничего не происходило- откатывался на ещё более позднее сохранение и повторял процедуру. Таким образом, я понял в чем заключалась проблема и прошёл дальше.
Так же советую не обижать андройда и по возможности заниматься всеми открывающимися активностями, тогда проблем с прохождением не возникнет.
Can I suggest something? Maybe try to make an sfw version? I would absolutely play this with just the headpats and hugs and stuff. And it might help the game reach a wider audience, who knows.
I hope this man is taking a break and not working all this time
Need update( I wanna know what's happened with Yui(
bro chill
the update will release probably soon since 6 months alrpassed (the update is every ~6 month)
and bout yui patreon post
When its update?
Must be cool if they add more fetishes such as navel lick , foot licking , and armpit licking...W game
I fucking love this game brother!!! I hope you're doing well and get along with this game and make allot of money!! I hope to all a vyou the best!!! And ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥😘😘😘🙈🙈🤣🤣🤣
Thank you to the author for such a game, I have never played such games and I found it fascinating, I would like to ask if there will be a continuation and when it will be, and where you can watch the progress of updates of this wonderful game!
I've played this game for awhile. I'm not sure if I'll be able to revisit this site due circumstances but this game is really impressive so I wanted to comment on it before my hiatus.
This game is good and stands out due to it's setting and story. The world is grim, but dispite that there is a hope, at least for us, maybe. The creator did post that the community has come together to save one girl who was presented as filler, so she to can be saved one day, so thank you creator Dodonga for the choices.
The game is a bit iffy or bugged on Android. For me it simply crashes, not to bad, just treat it as if your refreshing or reloading a page. PC seems flawless, no problems on my part.
I really like this game. I have played repeatedly, mostly due to thinking I could save that sweet girl. Currently, at the least, that is not possible but she may get the chance someday based on the post. I will love the opportunity to be able to help her, she's worth it.
So I want to say Dodonga, thank you for this game and for considering our feelings about saving that poor girl. Thanks for your work and I hope you will complete this game to perfection. It clearly has a lot of work put into it.
Please have a wonderful holiday(s) and end of the year. Take care of yourself to please, talented creators are hard to find.
Good luck to you in work and life.
Can anyone give some recommendations to games very similar to this in quality?
My dystopian robot girlfriend is a good one
algún héroe sin capa que me diga las canciones que están en la laptop, específicamente las que tienen letra
Plies update And add character style
whens the next expected update? a month? year?
Is there anything with the bookstore character? nothing seems to progress past "Im having a wonderful day"
do you know when the end of the storyline is? is there a set day mark?
The day counter in the game does not affect anything and is created solely for the player. The completion of the main, and in fact the only, storyline with your maid is achieved by sequentially triggering 33 events (not counting the convenience store, where the events progress parallel to the main story and are not connected to it). Once all the events are completed, hovering over the "?" sign in the top-left corner of the screen will display the hint "End of current version." This also applies to the convenience store, so if you hit a dead end and nothing happens, and there’s no notification, I would recommend checking if there are any unfinished activities, such as something you haven’t bought, something you haven’t read, and so on.